CS373 Fall 2020: Brandon Nsidinanya

Brandon N Nsidinanya
3 min readOct 5, 2020

What did you do this past week?

This past week, my group and I finished Phase 1 of the IDB project. It was kind of stressful since we started a little late, and we weren’t as well organized as we should’ve been, but nonetheless, we got the project done on time.

What’s in your way?

Nothing is currently in my way right now. My group hasn’t started on Phase 2 yet, so there’s nothing in our way. I guess our only roadblock is getting organized for this phase.

What will you do next week?

This next week, my group and I will hopefully start on the second phase of the project. It seems like this next phase will be pretty intensive, so getting organized and starting early seems pretty important for Phase 2. I will also make sure to keep up with assignments from my other classes.

If you read it, what did you think of Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women?

I have not read it yet, but I will soon.

What was your experience of iterators, reduce(), and tuple?

There are obviously many similarities with iterators between Java and Python, but I’ve come to learn that iterators in Python work a lot different than they do in Java. Reduce seems like a pretty simple yet powerful function in Python. I didn’t have chance to attend class on Friday, so I don’t know what we went over regarding tuples, but I think I understand the basics of tuples.

What’s it like working in a group?

Working in a group has been both a fun and interesting experience so far. I’ve enjoyed getting to know my group members, especially since I haven’t really gone anywhere for the past couple of months. It’s also been kind of difficult making sure that everyone’s getting work done and that we’re all working on something different.

What was your experience of the team contract?

My experience with the team contract was alright. There wasn’t really any disputes or any problems while filling it out.

What was your experience of the peer review?

I filled it out without any issues. Since most of my teammates have been active during Phase 1, there wasn’t a lot that I had to say on the peer review.

What made you happy this week?

Something that made me happy this week was doing well in a series of technical interviews for a big company that happened this past Friday. I will hear back from them in the next two weeks, and I have a strong feeling that I will receive an offer.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick-of-the-week is Promises in Javascript. They are a handy way of handling asynchronous tasks in Javascript, such as calling fetch(). I would take a look into this if you’re using asynchronous functions in your JS code.

